When our mind is spinning and we cannot think of what to do, we can tap into our Help Now! skills to quickly bring our brains back into thinking mode, back into the here and now. Having different choices is empowering for our wellness.

Play "I Spy" with yourself or with your kids, noticing objects around you that are certain colors. Take turns playing and laughing, getting your mind off of the past or future and into the present moment.
quotes & mantras
Say to yourself or out loud a favorite quote or mantra that inspires you, lighting the way in moments we are searching for peace.
Loving Kindness Mantra:
May I be safe and protected, healthy in body and mind, have joy and happiness, live with courage and in peace.
May you be safe and protected, healthy in body and mind, have joy and happiness, live with courage and in peace.
May we be safe and protected, healthy in body and mind, have joy and happiness, live with courage and in peace.

Drinking a glass of water, tea, coffee, juice-this is one of the simplest ways to reset our nervous system into the present moment. Notice the weight of the glass as you hold it, the temperature of the water as it enters your body and goes into your stomach. Focus your full attention of the task of drinking the water. Added benefit-your organs are replenished and refueled!
Listen to the sounds in the room. What is drawing your attention? If you are outside, what do you hear-birds, cars, wind, silence? Move our attention to the now and then refocus on the task at hand.